The rest of our El Chorro trip was focused mainly on getting on some single pitch routes much above our onsight grades and get some experience of routes in the high 7s and up to 8a. After Zeppelin on day one it took me a couple of days to feel ready to do this so we decided to head to a sectors we hadn't visited last year and enjoy some easier routes.
Day 2: Hanging out at Escalera arabe, solo eteitar, 6a |
We returned to two of my favourite crags over the next two days (Days 3 and 4), sector suizo and poem de roca. In a new attitude to my climbing I decided to get back on routes I'd previously failed on as I wanted to use this trip to get my head into redpointing (instead of just trying to onsight/flash routes). I was pleased to come back and get a route that I was fustrated with at not getting the onsight last year - Cano paco -7a, especially as on one of our warm up routes (prepotencia 6b+) I slipped and fell on a ledge ripping my trousers open and giving me a dead bum cheek!
My ripped beloved trousers left me in shorts for the rest of the week |
Al fresco dining with the wild country chef at sector Suizo |
Similarly getting back on a very pumpy Bienvenidos el circo 7a+ and getting this clean on second was satisfying as I was unable to piece it together in one last year (a shame I didn't end up going back for the redpoint of this).
Bienvenidos el circo 7a+ sector Suizo |
Due to bad weather we spent a couple of days at poem de roca, where I resisted the urge to get back on poem de roca (7a) as we did this route and the 'direct' route of it (7c - on top) last year.
Teamwork got us up Viva porus (7a+ -stated hard for the grade in the guide), as Rich lead to about 2/3 of the route and then I went up and lead it to the end. As the cave was busy this day we went up it a couple of times to get it clean. Rich lead up a very overhanging 7c route (Talisbania) -I seconded this route with relative ease on the overhanging terrain but the last couple of moves on the vertical section felt quite bouldery which I couldn't get clean - but a good motivator for future power training.
The steep terrain of Talibania, 7c |
Unlike most of the overhanging routes in the poem de roca cave- Slimbo (7b) was a thin route up a crack, as crack climbing is a weakness of mine I decided to give this route a try. I lead the route with two stops, and then decided to work this route on top rope. I found I could do all of the moves but it was fustrating I was not able to sustain the required power for the duration of the route.
Lowering off a route in poem de roca |
Its worth noting here as a reminder for my next trip to El Chorro that a new sector we visited prior to poem de roca (and the rain) one day was Sector Momia, looks like there are some good hard routes here. I only had time to do 3 routes here, the best of which was El Onejazo 7a.
The last day involved an epic walk over the 'notch' to makinodromo, except we missed the notch and went further over terrian Rich reckoned was more a grade two scramble - I dont know about scramble grades but I thought it was like a grade 3/4 climb in parts. After three hours of this trek to include numerous episodes flat on my bum down spree paths we made iut to Makinodromo feeling battered, unlike Rich who enjoyed it...
View from the 'notch' |
When I think of El Chorro I think of one of the most famous routes in the world, Lourdes (8a) and this time I couldnt leave El Chorro without trying it. In the previous year we had climbed the classic life is sweet (6c+) and Lourdes was busy, but this year there was no-one else at the crag. I seconded la panda Zampabollos (7b) as we accidentaly warmed up on this instead of a 6b. Rich got on another 8a -Mutenroy, clipsticking up and working, it - I decided to give this route a miss because I wanted to save all my energy (and skin) for Lourdes.
Steep terrain of Lourdes |
Again a joint effort got us half way up Lourdes, Rich leading first, then I lead a couple of further bolts to a total of 8 bolts to a mushroom section (about 1/2 -2/3 up i think).
Taking a rest on Lourdes |
Feeling battered we felt the best strategy given that this was our last day was to work this section of the climb. So now I have got this first section clean, and on any future trips to Chorro I will want to primarily focus on this route (certainly not just getting on it on the last day of a trip!)
Unfinished business: One day I'll be back... |