Monday, 17 April 2017

Wyndcliffe quarry

Tintern quarry is no longer accessible for climbers so we thought we'd try somewhere else in the Wye Valley-Wyncliffe quarry. The routes are much shorter than they appear in the guide book-short and intense but some sections of the rock on the lower tier are pretty good. So much so we did a couple of trad lines-the first time I've placed a nut in years. We started to the right of the upper tier then moved down to the lower tier. Plenty of routes to go back to especially with some longer routes on some sections of the upper tier across a variety of grades. We managed 14 routes fuelled by hot cross buns (well it as good Friday) before the cold set in.

Banana skin, 5c

The banana splits, 4a

The Banana splits, 4a
Still stuck on you HVS 5a

Same old story 6a

Finishing touch, 6b

Keziahs first day on sport

First trip out in the UK this year to give Keziah a taste of sport at its worst-Horseshoe quarry. We worked through most sectors from the nice long routes of the chocolate blamange area, the best rock of the main wall and some friendly routes in the toilet area.

Excavator 5c

Pale rider, 6a

Toilet humour, 5a